Toshinori Hirai
Perfusion MR imaging with arterial spin-labeling (ASL) is a method using magnetically labeled blood water protons as an endogenous tracer to allow visualization and measurement of perfusion. Over the last decade, this technique has been used to evaluate perfusion in various pathologic conditions. The usefulness of perfusion MR imaging with ASL for the assessment of brain tumor angiogenesis and glioma grading has been evaluated.
Among ASL techniques, we chose the quantitative STAR labeling of arterial regions (QUASAR) sequence for the following reasons. The bolus saturation techniques and the acquisition of images at multiple time points as used in the QUASAR sequence render ASL less sensitive to the transit time. In addition, the QUASAR sequence can quantify relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) user-independently because the arterial input function (AIF) is calculated automatically voxel-by-voxel, based on crushed and noncrushed control-label pairs.1 Thus, QUASAR is a particular application of the ASL method. To our knowledge, however, the reliability and reproducibility of glioma perfusion values obtained by ASL with QUASAR have not been reported. Therefore, we evaluated the intermodality agreement of tumor blood flow (TBF) measurements obtained with QUASAR and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced (DSC) MR imaging and the inter- and intraobserver reproducibility of glioma TBF measurements acquired by QUASAR at 3T.
Although the relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) is usually used for evaluating the perfusion of gliomas, we used rCBF values. DSC perfusion MR imaging can provide both rCBF and rCBV of the brain. In contrast to DSC perfusion MR imaging, ASL methods measure CBF only. Because earlier reports of using DSC perfusion MR imaging showed a strong