William A. Copen
Perfusion imaging can reveal pathology that is otherwise invisible to the neuroradiologist’s eye. In acute stroke, CT- and MR-based perfusion imaging uniquely depict the alterations in microvascular blood flow that threaten brain tissue viability, and these techniques are increasingly used to direct the therapies that attempt to keep ischemic neurons alive. However, when neuroradiologists interpret perfusion images, they may unknowingly base critical clinical decisions upon hemodynamic measurements that are severely inaccurate.
This study exposes the hidden measurement errors that occur when perfusion scan durations are too short to completely sample the passage of an injected contrast bolus through the brain, a situation that is probably quite common. Although physiologic studies have suggested that adequate sampling might require scanning for well over a minute, scans as short as 40 seconds have been used, both in clinical practice and in the published studies that form the basis of perfusion imaging–based decision making. We studied the errors that short perfusion scans can produce, by retrospectively examining perfusion data that were gathered from patients with acute stroke using an unusually long MR perfusion scan lasting 110 seconds after contrast injection. We simulated the results that shorter scans would have yielded, by progressively deleting the images that were acquired last.
We processed these data using several different commonly used postprocessing algorithms, to produce maps of the four regional hemodynamic parameters that are most often studied with perfusion imaging: cerebral blood volume (CBV), cerebral blood flow (CBF), mean transit time (MTT), and the time at which the deconvoluted response function reaches its maximum (Tmax). We studied how these measurements erroneously varied as a function of simulated scan duration, within regions of interest (ROIs) that were placed within ischemic lesions identified in diffusion-weighted images (DWI). We chose to study perfusion measurements within DWI lesions because especially severe ischemia might be presumed to exist within these lesions, and because some studies have suggested that perfusion images can substitute for DWI in identifying irreversibly injured tissue. Perfusion measurements for all parameters except Tmax were normalized, by dividing them by values that were obtained from a second ROI, which was placed within normal-appearing tissue in the contralateral hemisphere.