Benedikt J. Schwaiger
Osteoporotic fractures are one of the main causes of disability worldwide and are associated with increased mortality. Despite the clinical relevance and growing prevalence of the disease due to the aging population, only the minority of affected elderly men and women undergo bone mineral density (BMD) screening with one of the established methods, such as dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) or quantitative CT (qCT), at least once in their life. Among the reasons for this, dedicated examinations are associated with additional scan time, organizational efforts, and additional costs. Moreover, these examinations expose patients to ionizing radiation.
Therefore, previous studies have investigated whether BMD-equivalent values can be obtained from already existing imaging data such as routine multidetector-row CT (MDCT), and whether patients benefit from this additional information in the clinical context. Several different approaches exist to date, ranging from easy-to-implement attenuation measurements in asynchronously calibrated CT examinations to more complex analyses such as bone strength assessments based on finite element models, or texture analysis.
In our study, we developed conversion equations for BMD-equivalent values derived from both routine MDCT and MDCT myelography examinations of the lower spine, with qCT values as standard of reference.