Malek Makki
After birth, neonates with dextrotransposition of the great artery (d-TGA) require cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery within the first week of life. Despite improving perioperative intensive care management with lowering overall mortality rate, morbidity remains high, especially regarding the neurodevelopmental outcome in psychomotor and cognitive abilities during long-term follow-up. Impairment of the central nervous system has been determined as the characteristic pattern of brain injury in neonates with severe forms of d-TGA. To date the etiology of these impairments is not fully understood. Our aim was to use DTI to assess acute acquired brain injury and delayed brain maturation following CPB surgery. We selected the corpus callosum because it is formed between 12 and 16 weeks of gestation, right after heart structures complete formation, and at the beginning of blood circulation.
The diffusion changes are tightly linked to the degree of cohesiveness and cylindrical packing of axonal fibers and reduced extra-axonal space, due to the natural thickness of myelin as the white matter matures over time. Increases of diffusion components and decrease of anisotropy values observed in postsurgical compared to presurgical DTI may be explained by either abnormal axonal pruning, axonal swelling, lack/disruption of myelin sheaths, smaller degree of neurofibrils organization (i.e., microtubules and neurofilaments), demyelination issues, fewer oligodendrocytes, or a combination of these processes. Whether these processes are due to CPB surgery procedures or are ongoing phenomena that start at the fetal level cannot be determined without either a follow-up exam or fetal DTI. A better knowledge of the timing of brain abnormalities will enable better counseling of parents and medical caretakers. Possible findings of our research project may have important clinical and research implications. Advanced cerebral MRI can quantify brain development and injury at a time when intervention for brain protection may be possible. Early detection of abnormal brain maturation and injury is important for the design of