Dousset V, Brochet B, Deloire MSA, et al. MR Imaging of Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using Ultra-Small-Particle Iron Oxide and Compared with Gadolinium. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2006;27:1000–05
![]() Bronwyn Hamilton |
![]() Joao Prola Netto |
Dousset et al provided an early demonstration of the utility of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles in clinical neuroradiology. This clinical study showed that ferumoxtran-10 could be used to image CNS lesions in multiple sclerosis and revealed different enhancement patterns compared with gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCA) in the same patients. Enhancement was observed on T1-weighted sequences and areas of new hypointensity on T2-weighted sequences. Signal changes with ferumoxtran-10 appear to occur primarily in areas with macrophage infiltration, based on preclinical work predating this study.1 Dousset’s study in humans showed that aside from areas of blood-brain barrier disruption, USPIO signal changes on T1 and T2 can identify inflammatory processes.
We subsequently demonstrated that ferumoxytol also shows signal changes on T1WI and T2WI sequences in demyelinating disease, as well as in primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) and lymphoproliferative disorder.2 Similar to the findings by Dousset et al, we observed different enhancement patterns compared to GBCA-enhanced scans in some patients. This supported differences in mechanism of enhancement (ie, intracellular uptake with iron oxide nanoparticles) between iron oxide nanoparticles and GBCA. Such differences might distinguish patients with differing degrees of inflammation that may have prognostic or therapeutic importance. Unlike ferumoxtran-10, ferumoxtyol can safely be used for dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion imaging, and offers more reliable results than GBCA. We have used this for distinguishing lymphoid neoplasm from tumefactive demyelination. Our preliminary results showed rCBV values for PCNSL and lymphoproliferative disorders ranging from 1.3 to 4.1, while rCBV ratios for tumefactive demyelinating lesions ranged from 0.3 to 0.9. The T2WI signal changes characteristic of iron particles also improved neurosurgical targeting opportunities for biopsy (Figure 1).2
Figure 1. (A–C) Demyelinating disease. (A) T1WI shows GBCA enhancement in the inferior right basal ganglia and hypothalamus (arrow). (B) T2WI without contrast agent shows the first biopsy tract (arrow) targeting regions of GBCA enhancement on T1WI. (C) T2WI 24 hours after administration of ferumoxytol shows a markedly hypointense area suggesting the area of maximal iron uptake (arrow), which was the target of a second biopsy revealing demyelination. (D, E) Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder. (D) Pretreatment images: T1WI (i) and T2WI (ii) 24 hours after administration of ferumoxytol. Arrows show areas of intense iron uptake on both sequences. (E) Posttreatment images: T1WI (i) and T2WI (ii) 24 hours after administration of ferumoxytol show resolved enhancement and mass effect. (F–I) Tumefactive demyelination. (F) Precontrast axial T1WI shows mild T1 hypointensity (arrow) and mass effect in the left occipital lobe. (G) Post-GBCA axial T1WI shows patchy marginal nodular enhancement (arrow) raising concern for potential high-grade malignancy. (H) Precontrast axial T2WI shows vasogenic edema consistent with high-grade glioma. (I) rCBV map obtained after administration of USPIO contrast shows low rCBV. Reprinted with permission from Farrell et al, Neurology 2013.2