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May 2013 Archives - AJNR News Digest ­

May 2013


Dementias and Related Conditions

AJNR Senior Editor Lucien M. Levy

AJNR Senior EditorLucien M. Levy

Over the past several years, there has been significant progress in the evaluation of dementias and related conditions. The number of studies and results involving dementias has dramatically increased, in part due to the development and clinical application of advanced imaging techniques, implementation of new laboratory studies, … more »

Review Articles

Functional and Structural MR Imaging in Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Part 1: Imaging Techniques and Their Application in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease

Sophia Mueller

Sophia Mueller

Tracing the functional and structural connectivity within the brain may provide means to see whether psychiatric illness is fundamentally routed in “connectopathies”—connectional abnormalities that lead to brain dysfunction. So far, only a few studies have combined functional and structural network explorations to ask this very basic question of how anatomic variability affects functional differences. … more »


Neurodegeneration in Preclinical Alzheimer Disease and Atrophy in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment

Rahul Desikan

Rahul Desikan

With regards to our article “Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) ε4 Does Not Modulate Amyloid-β–Associated Neurodegeneration in Preclinical Alzheimer Disease,” we researched this topic because there is a need to better elucidate the pathobiologic changes underlying the earliest stage of Alzheimer disease (AD). Specifically, we wanted to better understand how ApoE ε4, tau, and amyloid … more »


Effects of Donepezil on Cortical Activation in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial Using Functional MR Imaging

Jeffrey Petrella

Jeffrey Petrella

As the global population ages, the incidence of Alzheimer disease (AD), now more than 30 million worldwide, is predicted to triple by the year 2050, creating an urgent need for developing therapeutics designed to slow or halt disease progression. The search for a cure continues, and our extensive, yet incomplete, understanding of its … more »

Review Articles

Imaging Approaches for Dementia

Alison D. Murray

Alison D. Murray

I have been working in brain aging and dementia research for several years and have been excited to see the role of neuroimaging in patients with dementia progress from exclusion of treatable mass lesions, such as tumors or subdurals (which occur in a tiny proportion of those we image), to diagnosis … more »


Effects of Age on the Glucose Metabolic Changes in Mild Cognitive Impairment

Kejal Kantarci

Kejal Kantarci

Early diagnosis of dementia-related pathology through imaging is the focus of my research program. Decreased glucose metabolism in the temporal and parietal lobes on [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET is recognized as an early imaging marker for the Alzheimer disease  (AD) pathology.

Neuroimaging markers of AD pathology would allow new therapies to be developed more quickly … more »


Novel White Matter Tract Integrity Metrics Sensitive to Alzheimer Disease Progression

Joseph A. Helpern

Joseph A. Helpern

Establishing neuroimaging biomarkers for the early detection of Alzheimer disease (AD) is crucial for the development of disease-modifying therapies. Indeed, investigation of potential neuroimaging biomarkers is one of the key strategies under the first goal of the 2012 National Alzheimer’s Project Act, as well as for President Obama’s BRAIN initiative. Our … more »

Special Collections

Neuroimaging of Dementias

sp-12“Neuroimaging of Dementias” is the latest Special Collection from the American Journal of Neuroradiology. Collection Editor Lucien M. Levy, also a Senior Editor for AJNR, collected almost 60 articles, arranging them into 8 sections outlining clinical presentations, genetics, and imaging patterns associated with a range of conditions, as well as the diagnostic and evaluative capabilities of various … more »