Michael H. Lev
In this issue of the AJNR News Digest, we highlight considerations regarding the use of CT perfusion (CTP) imaging for acute neurovascular assessment.
Although the idea of measuring cerebral perfusion by tracking a contrast bolus with rapid sequence imaging has been around since the earliest days of CT, in the mid/late 1970s,1 it was not until two decades later that multidetector row CT acquisition and postprocessing technology became sufficiently rapid such that CTP could finally be implemented as a routine, practical tool for the assessment of hyperacute stroke.2 With proper scan parameters on modern CT systems, wide z-axis CTP coverage can be obtained at acceptably low radiation doses.3
Only in the past year, however, has a potential role for CTP in patient selection for IV and intra-arterial (IA) stroke treatments been definitively suggested by randomized prospective data from the MR CLEAN, ESCAPE, EXTEND-IA, SWIFT-PRIME, and REVASCAT trials.4 Despite this new research—because these trials were designed to test if IAT is effective, rather than if CTP is optimally efficient—and despite continued improvements in CTP’s speed, radiation dose, and image noise over the past 15+ years, the appropriate role of CTP in stroke triage remains both unproven and controversial.4
The AJNR articles selected for this issue of the Digest, therefore, were chosen because they reflect important issues impacting the acquisition, postprocessing, interpretation, accuracy, and role of CTP in patients with acute neurologic disorders.
Three of these papers address technical hazards resulting from the lack of standardization and validation with current CTP acquisition and postprocessing protocols. In “Exposing Hidden Truncation-Related Errors in Acute Stroke Perfusion Imaging”, Copen et al (AJNR 2015;36:638–45) highlight the pitfall of overestimating ischemic lesion volumes when scan acquisition times are insufficient for iodinated contrast to fully circulate via collaterals through the entire, hypoperfused tissue bed. The importance of contrast bolus timing is also underscored in the paper “Timing-Invariant CT Angiography Derived from CT Perfusion Imaging in Acute Stroke: A Diagnostic Performance Study” by Smit et al (AJNR 2015;36:1834–38).
CTP thresholds for quantification of critically ischemic tissue volumes (ie, “infarct core”) vary not only with the postprocessing platform used, but also with regional anatomy.5,6 In “Toward Patient-Tailored Perfusion Thresholds for Prediction of Stroke Outcome” Eilaghi and Aviv et al (AJNR 2014;35:472–77) discuss the potential marked variability (and hence, limited reliability) of cerebral blood flow/volume thresholds in differing individual patients.
The reliability of CTP for the detection and delineation of both large and small ischemic lesions (ie, lacunar infarcts) is limited by the image noise intrinsic to CT scanning (attributable, in part, to the low signal-to-noise ratios of iodinated contrast in even normally perfused brain tissue capillaries, compared with the high signal typical with MRI).7 Indeed,