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Early Biomarkers from Conventional and Delayed-Contrast MRI to Predict the Response to Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas - AJNR News Digest
March-April 2017
Figure 4 from Daniels

Early Biomarkers from Conventional and Delayed-Contrast MRI to Predict the Response to Bevacizumab in Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas

Daniels pic

Dianne Daniels

Our group has previously introduced delayed-contrast MR imaging for calculating treatment-response-assessment maps (TRAMs) in patients with brain tumors undergoing standard treatments, providing a clear separation between an active tumor and treatment effects.1,2 Following this application of the TRAMs methodology to aid patient management and decision-making in patients with newly diagnosed high-grade glioma (HGG) undergoing standard first-line treatment, we decided to focus on seeking a better means for assessing response to bevacizumab treatment in patients with recurrent HGG. Although bevacizumab has become a leading treatment option for recurrent HGGs in the United States, the interpretation of the radiologic response of these patients still represents a unique challenge.

Furthermore, in our studied cohort, 62.5% of patients showed a positive radiologic response to bevacizumab on standard MR imaging 1 month after initiation of treatment. However, only 29.2% demonstrated a long-term response. These numbers suggest that a more reliable tool for the early prediction of long-term response to bevacizumab is required.

Our study identified radiologic response and progression patterns from the mean change in lesion volumes as a function of time, calculated from conventional T1-weighted MR imaging, TRAMs, and perfusion MR imaging. Thresholds for early (1 month) prediction of response were calculated using these sequences. The predictor calculated from TRAMs demonstrated higher sensitivity, specificity, and positive/negative predictive values. The benefit of delayed-contrast MR imaging in separating responders from nonresponders was further confirmed by using log-rank and receiver operating characteristic analyses.

In this study, response was determined by overall survival (OS), a reliable measure of clinical outcome by all means, and predictors of response were confirmed to provide significant separation between short- and long-term responders (in terms of OS) by log-rank analysis.

The clinical implications of these findings are that TRAMs provide additional information over other conventional and advanced MR imaging sequences. This information may aid in reliable assessment and prediction of response to bevacizumab in recurrent HGG, and may therefore potentially contribute to patient management.

Further studies from our group will focus on further validation of the suggested predictors in additional bevacizumab-treated patients with recurrent HGG. In addition, further applications of TRAMs are being studied, including the assessment of response to new types of immunotherapies and the precise and adaptive planning of radiation-based treatments for brain tumors. Finally, we are studying the contribution TRAMs may offer for improving machine learning algorithms developed to predict tumor growth patterns in patients with GBM.


  1. Zach L, Guez D, Last D, et al. Delayed contrast extravasation MRI: a new paradigm in neuro-oncology. Neuro Oncol 2014;17:457–65, 10.1093/neuonc/nou230
  2. Zach L, Guez D, Last D, et al. Delayed contrast extravasation MRI for depicting tumor and non-tumoral tissues in primary and metastatic brain tumors. PLoS One 2012;7:e52008, 10.1371/journal.pone.0052008

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