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Mind the Gap: Impact of Computational Fluid Dynamics Solution Strategy on Prediction of Intracranial Aneurysm Hemodynamics and Rupture Status Indicators - AJNR News Digest
December 2014

Mind the Gap: Impact of Computational Fluid Dynamics Solution Strategy on Prediction of Intracranial Aneurysm Hemodynamics and Rupture Status Indicators

Kristian Valen-Sendstad

Kristian Valen-Sendstad

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is increasingly relied upon for elucidating blood flow dynamics in cerebral aneurysms and their possible role in determining rupture risk. Compared with a decade ago, when “patient-specific” aneurysm CFD studies were confined to a few specialized labs, often using their own in-house solvers, today the use of CFD in aneurysm research is widespread, facilitated by more user-friendly commercial solvers as well as the now-routine availability of 3D angiography. With this popularity, however, has come increased scrutiny by clinicians.1 While the many underlying physical assumptions and approximations behind CFD models have been roundly questioned, much less attention has been paid to reliability of the CFD solutions themselves.

Our study, “Mind the Gap,”2 arose from our earlier observation of turbulent-like flow instabilities in a single MCA aneurysm case, when ultra-high-resolution CFD techniques were brought to bear.3 Subsequently, flow instabilities were observed in 4/8 MCA bifurcation aneurysm cases subjected to high-resolution (HR) CFD, albeit under steady inflow conditions.4 In light of these findings, we were surprised to find few, if any, reports of flow instabilities in the extensive aneurysm CFD literature. On the other hand, in vitro and in vivo studies from the 1970s and 1980s reported high-frequency velocity fluctuations in aneurysms, which had been postulated to explain the prevalence of aneurysm bruits. Based on our reading of the aneurysm CFD literature, we hypothesized that the solver numerics and/or model resolutions, informed by the assumption of smooth laminar flow, might be to blame.

To test this, in “Mind the Gap” we performed a controlled study of the same MCA aneurysm cases from our earlier work, now under more physiologically realistic pulsatile flow conditions, and, crucially, using both our HR solution strategy and a “normal resolution” (NR) strategy typical of the aneurysm CFD literature. Our HR solutions identified high-frequency flow instabilities in the same 4/8 cases from our earlier study; however, they were absent from the corresponding NR solutions, which in some cases predicted very different flow and wall shear stress dynamics. The good news was that at least some of the commonly-used reduced hemodynamic indices (derived by time and spatial averaging of the full CFD data) were relatively impervious to the solution strategy.

We have since uncovered comparable flow instabilities in anatomically realistic carotid siphon5 and ICA sidewall aneurysm6 models, with similar suppression of these flow features by NR solution strategies. Our current research is aimed at determining whether such high-frequency flow instabilities have clinical or biologic relevance, and indeed, whether they occur to the same extent in vivo. Nevertheless, and notwithstanding any approximating physical assumptions upon which aneurysm CFD models are based, modelers are duty-bound to verify that their results are valid solutions of fluid flow equations they are purporting to solve. As we pointed out in a follow-up to "Mind the Gap" that is currently in review, if CFD is to operate as a putative medical imaging tool, it too must have established local protocols that are set by expert users using rigorous calibration (ie, verification) methodologies.


  1. Kallmes DF. Point: CFD—computational fluid dynamics or confounding factor dissemination. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2012;33:395–96, 10.3174,/ajnr.A2993
  2. Valen-Sendstad K, Steinman DA. Mind the gap: impact of computational fluid dynamics solution strategy on prediction of intracranial aneurysm hemodynamics and rupture status indicators. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2014;35:536–43, 10.3174/ajnr.A3793
  3. Valen-Sendstad K, Mardal KA, Mortensen M, et al. Direct numerical simulation of transitional flow in a patient-specific intracranial aneurysm. J Biomech 2011;44:2826–32, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.08.015
  4. Valen-Sendstad K, Mardal KA, Steinman DA. High-resolution CFD detects high-frequency velocity fluctuations in bifurcation, but not sidewall, aneurysms. J Biomech 2013;46:402–07, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.10.042
  5. Valen-Sendstad K, Piccinelli M, Steinman DA. High-resolution computational fluid dynamics detects flow instabilities in the carotid siphon: implications for aneurysm initiation and rupture? J Biomech 2014;47:3210–16, 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2014.04.018
  6. Valen-Sendstad K, Lauric A, Malek AM, et al. Flow instabilities in sidewall aneurysms: A possible association with rupture status? 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston; July 2014


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