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Neuroimaging of Dementias - AJNR News Digest
May 2013
Special Collections

Neuroimaging of Dementias

sp-12“Neuroimaging of Dementias” is the latest Special Collection from the American Journal of Neuroradiology. Collection Editor Lucien M. Levy, also a Senior Editor for AJNR, collected almost 60 articles, arranging them into 8 sections outlining clinical presentations, genetics, and imaging patterns associated with a range of conditions, as well as the diagnostic and evaluative capabilities of various imaging approaches. The major sections are: General Reviews; Genetics of Dementias; Normal Aging; Mild Cognitive Impairment; Alzheimer Disease; Other Dementias; Anatomy and MRI; and Advanced Techniques, including voxel-based morphometry, functional imaging, diffusion MRI and diffusion tensor imaging, perfusion imaging, MEG, and PET and SPECT.

As he states in the introduction to this collection, Dr. Levy evaluated more than 250 papers and winnowed the final selections from this list, including articles “that were important in the way dementias are diagnosed, had useful imaging techniques, had a high number of citations, were timely, and influenced patient management.”

In an accompanying podcast, Dr. Levy talks with AJNR‘s Podcast Editor Yvonne Lui regarding the process of creating the collection and the importance of continuing research into dementias and similar conditions in a growing elderly population. This special podcast is available to download on the AJNR Web site and in the iTunes Store.

Released biannually, AJNR‘s Special Collections are meant to provide a comprehensive open-access source for imaging-related articles on a given topic. Previous Collections include “Percutaneous Vertebroplasty,” “Radiation Dose in Neuroradiology CT Protocols,” “Brain Tumor Imaging, Volume 1: Pretherapy,” “Brain Tumor Imaging, Volume 2: Posttherapy,” “Head and Neck Neoplasms,” “Congenital Brain Anomalies,” and “Vascular Lesions of the Head and Neck.” All are available through AJNR’s print-on-demand service, where readers can order a full-color hard copy for just US $50, plus shipping.


View this Special Collection at AJNR.org . . .