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New Print Design and Cover Unveiled This Month - AJNR News Digest
January 2013
AJNR in Print

New Print Design and Cover Unveiled This Month

Traditionally, AJNR’s incoming Editor-in-Chief has had the opportunity to change the Journal’s design. Because I took over only a year after Bob Grossman, I decided to wait and become for familiar with the Journal and the needs of our readership before making any further updates.

With time, it seemed our cover had become old-fashioned (only the New England Journal of Medicine uses a similar one now) and its colors too dark for those who read on tablets and other portable devices. Rather than listing our contents, the new cover features a brief preview of select articles and images from within the issue. Authors of the articles from which the cover illustrations were selected will be able to order poster-size versions for display at their institutions. If you would like a more complete explanation as to the story behind the changes to the cover, we suggest you read “What’s Up with the Cover?

The interior pages have changed, too, with updated typography and a new palette of colors that will be found on all articles and used to distinguish different content areas and tabular material. The layout of the articles has a more modern and spacious look now and the table of contents is cleaner and easier to browse. The quality of paper will remain unchanged.

Traditionalists may object to these changes while others will embrace them. We think they make AJNR’s electronic publications in particular more appealing.