Ali Sepahdari
Multiphasic multidetector parathyroid CT (“4D-CT”) is an increasingly popular tool for preoperative localization of abnormal parathyroid glands in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. It is often used when other techniques fail, and is increasingly also being used as a first-line localization strategy.
The existing literature on 4D-CT has documented and validated its advantages over scintigraphy and ultrasound, but we know that 4D-CT remains imperfect. In particular, the approximately 10–30% of primary hyperparathyroidism cases that are caused by multiglandular disease (MGD) represent a large share of discordances between 4D-CT and surgical exploration—in our experience and in the literature.
We had two goals for this study. First, we wanted to get a better sense of the true performance of 4D-CT, specifically with regard to MGD, as this topic had not been fully explored in prior studies. Second, we wanted to make better use of the available imaging and clinical information to make evidence-based diagnoses of either MGD or single-gland disease in the future. We thought this would be best accomplished with a multi-institutional study, to mitigate biases related to different patient populations and potentially differing sensitivities between readers.