Guest Editor
Orlando Ortiz
A lot has happened, and not much has happened, in the field of vertebral augmentation since 1984, when a small team of doctors decided to treat a painful hemangioma of the C2 vertebra via a transoral route by placing a bone needle within the lesion and injecting radiopaque acrylic bone cement under fluoroscopic guidance. It was not until just under a decade later that this technology underwent transatlantic dissemination and was initially utilized not for tumors of the spine but for the treatment of painful osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures.1 The anecdotal case reports and case series were strikingly favorable, and the ability of interventionally-inclined radiologists to learn readily and adopt this technology into their practices led to the rapid proliferation of the vertebroplasty procedure. Not long after, in the late 1990s, technological innovation led to development of an inflatable balloon tamp that could be used in an attempt to improve patient outcomes by generating a better treatment effect beyond pain relief, specifically, height restoration and kyphosis correction, and by potentially decreasing the chances of procedure-related cement extravasation via the mechanism of cavity creation.2 This technology appealed to many operators, spine surgeons in particular, and the kyphoplasty procedure developed its identity and its own CPT code. A tremendous dialogue and debate ensued between vertebroplasty proponents and kyphoplasty advocates as to which of these procedures was “better”.3 It was at this moment that two randomized controlled trials poured a bucket of ice water on the heated debate; the results of these trials suggested that the procedures might not be as effective as initially touted.4 With the equity of clinical belief in these procedures called into question, the performance of them experienced a decline, as the supporters of these procedures rallied in an attempt to preserve their appropriate clinical usage.5 While subsequent innovation moved with the same speed as high viscosity cement (essentially a refined acrylic bone cement cocktail designed to reduce the incidence of cement leaks6), the application of these vertebral augmentation techniques returned to treating patients with pathologic vertebral compression fractures and re-directed from the C2 vertebra down to the sacrum in order to treat painful sacral insufficiency fractures.
It is in the context of this abbreviated historical prelude and the aforementioned controversies that we dedicate this month’s AJNR Digest to several important topics in the realm of what is now referred to as vertebral augmentation. The first article in this series deals with the principal underlying cause of vertebral compression fractures, bone mineral density and osteoporosis. In “Bone Mineral Density Values Derived from Routine Lumbar Spine Multidetector Row CT Predict Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures and Screw Loosening,” Schwaiger et al were able to validate a method for evaluating bone mineral density on routine multidetector CT examinations of the lumbar spine.7 These authors were able to derive highly correlative formulas at both 120 and 140 kVp. The potential implications of this application for patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures are significant, as many of these patients undergo CT imaging evaluation prior to their vertebral augmentation procedures. Given the possibility of identifying a vertebral body at risk for subsequent fracture, as is shown by Schwaiger et al, could prove extremely useful not only as a prognostic tool but also as a treatment planning tool. This could add further knowledge to the impact of the natural history of osteoporosis on the incidence of vertebral compression fractures following a vertebral augmentation procedure.8 Additionally, it may contribute to more information on the controversial topic of prophylactic vertebral augmentation.9 For example, if a non-compressed vertebral body that is located between two vertebral compression fractures shows, with the analytic tool described in this paper, that this vertebra is at very high risk of imminent fracture, should this vertebra be treated prophylactically? Or, should the patient be immediately and aggressively treated for osteoporosis? The answers to questions like this, as we take practice back to science, can eventually help operators provide better care of what is in so many ways a fragile group of patients.
Another paper, by Dohm et al (not commented upon here), “A Randomized Trial Comparing Balloon Kyphoplasty and Vertebroplasty for Vertebral Compression Fractures due to Osteoporosis,” compares the efficacy and safety of balloon kyphoplasty against that of vertebroplasty.10 This industry-sponsored randomized control trial compares treatment results and adverse events between kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty in an attempt to establish if one procedure is better than the other. Some prior reports have suggested that kyphoplasty might be more efficacious than vertebroplasty.11 Though enrollment in this study fell short of expectation (32.7%), 191 patients underwent vertebroplasty and 190 patients underwent kyphoplasty, and the follow-up period extended to 2 years. This study found no statistically significant difference between the two procedures with respect to pain relief, disability improvement, and adverse events, including cement leakage and subsequent radiographic fracture. The only reported difference between the two procedures was that the vertebroplasty procedure was on average 8 minutes shorter in duration as compared to the kyphoplasty procedure. The study did not compare the procedures with respect to the topic of height restoration, but did show a statistically favorable benefit of kyphosis correction in favor of kyphoplasty at the 24-month time point only for the 100 kyphoplasty patients (compared with 91 vertebroplasty patients) who completed this follow-up.
As stated earlier, the use of vertebral augmentation in the treatment of painful sacral insufficiency fractures or sacral lesions is a relatively new procedure that is showing promise in these specific patient populations. Gupta et al report their results with this technique in their paper “Safety and Effectiveness of Sacroplasty: A Large Single-Center Experience.”12 The authors retrospectively review their single-center experience in 53 patients (29 with cancer-related sacral fractures) using the Visual Analog Scale, a functional mobility scale, an analgesic scale, and a four-level pain scale at short-term follow-up (27 days). The majority of these procedures were performed with CT guidance (91%); a small number were performed with fluoroscopy. There were no significant adverse events in this study population, and statistically significant improvements with respect to the aforementioned outcome measures were seen. These outcomes are consistent with what has been previously reported in the literature.13
As can be seen by the prior article, and with its initial application for the treatment of a primary tumor of the spine, the use of vertebral augmentation in the treatment of pathologic spine lesions has shown significant promise. In their thoughtful and thorough meta-analysis (not commented upon here), “Vertebral Augmentation in Patients with Multiple Myeloma: A Pooled Analysis of Published Case Series,” Khan et al report their review of 23 studies that included 923 patients with multiple myeloma.14 This review showed that both vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty provided significant and sustainable pain relief (4.8 pain score reduction at 1 week and 4.4 pain score reduction at 1 year) in patients with multiple myeloma with painful fractures. The authors cited a subsequent fracture rate of 7.3% in patients treated with vertebroplasty, compared with 6.8% of patients treated with kyphoplasty. A total of 3 major complications were seen in this patient population (one case of infection, one case of myocardial infarction, and one case of pulmonary embolism). This review concludes that vertebral augmentation is safe and effective in the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma.